Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pre-Departure Orientation at Berkeley College

About a week ago on Sunday, June 10, I began my incredible, life-changing YFU exchange experience. Now that I have some freetime, I think it would be great to catch you all up to speed.

On June 10, I flew from Colorado Springs, CO to San Francisco, CA. In San Francisco, I attended a 3-day pre-departure orientation that was hosted by YFU USA at the Berkeley College campus.

At the orientation, I attended a whole bunch of classes and excercizes that educated me and my fellow YFU exchange students about Japanese language and culture.

Riding on the bus on our way to Berkeley.

Walking to the campus cafeteria. It was very sunny in SanFran, no fog to be seen!

Attending a class on Japanese culture

Our dorms.

The campus.

Celebrating my Birthday! (June 12)

YFU USA Summer-term Japan exchange students (Blue Group)
The orientation was very informative, and I'd like to thank all the YFU USA staff for providing us with such a great pre-departure orientation.

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