Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Shopping in Japan

Throughout my stay here in Japan, I have made a countless number of trips to shopping districts near my host family's house and around Osaka. I've managed to take pictures of one shopping distict in particular called Senri-Chuo.

Today, I walked several miles from the district that my host family lives in to the neighboring district of Senri-Chuo, which has a very large shopping mall.
The shopping mall is next to that skyscraper on the far right. I'm supprised that I actually walked that far in about 30 minutes. Walking just feels so much easier in Japan, I assume because most of Japan is at around sea-level instead of 8,600 ft. like Woodland Park is.

This is the highway that runs through my local district. This highway goes through Senri-chuo, so I just followed the highway. You can see the monorail station on the right. I can take the monorail to several districts if I want to, but today, I just felt like walking.

This is the sidewalk that runs next to the highway. (Note that most sidewalks in Japan don't look like this.)

This shopping center is absolutely massive! These photos don't do it justice.


And to accompany a large shopping center, you need a large electronics store! Labi Senri is the perfect example of a multi-story Japanese electronics store. They have everything in existance that runs on electricity, and more so!

Many shopping centers that are around Japan have large arcades like this one which is located in the Nippombashi district of Osaka.

Most of the machines in this arcade are crane games (a.k.a. UFO Catchers) that have anime figures as prizes! (I won one of these)

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