Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Japanese High School

For the past couple of weeks, I've been attending my host sister's high school as a short-term exchange student. So far, my Japanese high school experience has been great!

I am in a 1st year class, and my classmates have been very good to me. Most of the students speak good English, so communication usually is very easy. However, most of the teachers speak only Japanese during their lectures (except the English teacher of course), so I haven't really been able to follow what the students are learning in class. But it's just fine, because I'm here for the overall experience.

Curriculum at my high school consists of:

P.E. (either gym or swimming, depending on what day of the week)
Health Education
Classic Japanese
Modern Japanese

Each school day consists of 8 periods which last 55 minutes each, plus a Homeroom session which lasts about 10 minutes. My school day starts at 8:30 am, and the school is only a 3 minute walk from my host family's house, so I get to sleep in most of the time.

Now on to pictures!

Outside the school.

Lockers are located around the outside of the school. This is because you have to wear slippers when inside the school and you can keep those slippers in your locker and put them on before you enter the actual school.

My classroom.

As I said before, you have to wear slippers when inside the school.

In class.

The hallway just outside my classroom.

Different grades are in different buildings. This is the 2nd year building which is across from my 1st year building.

My classmates!

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