Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Dotonbori is one of the major tourist destinations in Osaka. Dotonbori is a single street that runs alongside the Dotonbori canal located in downtown Osaka. The street is famous for its many restaurants that feature the largest assortment of food you will ever find on one single street! My host family and I went on a "food crawl" around Dotonbori, and it was fantastic!

The Dotonbori canal.

A takuyaki stand.

My YFU Host Family

One of the biggest parts of a YFU exchange experience is the opportunity to stay with a native host family. Being with a host family has allowed me to experience and become a part of their everyday life. This is a great way to experience the cultural immersion in your host country, and it sure workedI was blessed with an amazing host family. My host family included my host mother, father, grandfather, brother, and sister. They all made such an effort to give me a great experience in Japan, and I certainly can't thank them enough!

(From left to right) Oji-chan, Takehiro, me, Oto-san, and Saki. My host mother, Oka-san, took this photo.

This is Heji, one of my host family's 2 dogs.

My host brother, Takehiro.

Takehiro, Saki, Oka-san, and me doing karaoke.

Oka-san and Oji-chan.

Me with Oji-chan at Osaka Aquarium.

Going out.